
HydroThunderHurricaneisaboatracingvideogamedevelopedbyVectorUnitandpublishedbyMicrosoftGameStudiosfortheXbox360viaXboxLiveArcade.Gameplay·Developmentandmarketing·Updatesanddownloadable...·Reception,HydroThunderHurricaneisaboatracingvideogamedevelopedbyVectorUnitandpublishedbyMicrosoftGameStudiosfortheXbox360console,onXboxLive ...,評分75%(56)HydroThunderHurricaneistheallnew,full-featuredsequelt...

Hydro Thunder Hurricane

Hydro Thunder Hurricane is a boat racing video game developed by Vector Unit and published by Microsoft Game Studios for the Xbox 360 via Xbox Live Arcade. Gameplay · Development and marketing · Updates and downloadable... · Reception

Hydro Thunder Hurricane

Hydro Thunder Hurricane is a boat racing video game developed by Vector Unit and published by Microsoft Game Studios for the Xbox 360 console, on Xbox Live ...

Hydro Thunder Hurricane Reviews

評分 75% (56) Hydro Thunder Hurricane is the all new, full-featured sequel to the arcade racer. Features rocket-powered speedboats blasting across amazing dynamic water.

Hydro Thunder Hurricane

Hydro Thunder Hurricane is a singleplayer third-person racing game in the Hydro Thunder series. Availability • Link

Hydro Thunder Hurricane is a great game. : rxbox360

I don't think I've ever been this satisfied with a purchase before. I paid the $14.99 plus the $4.99 for the extra boats and levels.

Hydro Thunder Hurricane

Hydro Thunder Hurricane is a downloadable high-speed watercraft racing game for Xbox Live Arcade and Windows 8. It is the long awaited sequel to Hydro ...

Hydro Thunder Hurricane

Hydro Thunder Hurricane is full-featured sequel fans have been waiting for. With top-notch visuals, brand new over-the-top themed environments and dynamic ...

購買Hydro Thunder Hurricane

供應中 這款Midway 傳奇大型機台競速遊戲的續作,內含令人驚艷的水上動態物理效果、可改裝的火箭推進快艇、華麗的視覺效果和51 區及百慕達三角洲等飛天遁地的互動場景。

Hydro Thunder Hurricane (Xbox 360 Gameplay)

Gameplay of Hydro Thunder Hurricane, developed by Vector Unity and released for Xbox 360 in 2010. Donate to the channel on Patreon: ...